Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Disabled man attacked in his own home

A 52-year old man was found slumped on his sofa with a broken leg and collapsed lung 15 hours after two men assaulted him with his own walking stick.

The victim had let the two men into his house in Whitehall Street in the early hours of Saturday.

They sat in the front room with the victim asking him for cigarettes, drugs and money. The offenders became angry when they found that he did not have any, with one of them kicking the victim in the face as he was sitting on the couch.

He then picked up the victim's walking stick and used it to hit him at least 10 times on the head, as well as his shoulder, ribs and shin.

During the assault one of the offenders also stamped on the victim's head. The offenders then left the house with the walking stick.

The victim was unable to move and was found by a relative in the same position later that day at 8pm. He was taken to hospital for treatment to a broken leg, broken ribs and punctured lung as well as cuts and swelling to his head and remains there in a stable condition

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